Thursday, September 30, 2010

Popcorn Overload and Faulty Ambassadors!

Do you ever just have one of those days when you know something is going to happen but you don't know when?...The kind that you wake up feeling that way go on about your normal ways and then open the door....and there it is?!....Well today was one of those days for me and you'd think me being in Idaho this would be one of those stories about snow, since apparently i've never seen the amounts of snow i'm going to be seeing here soon...but it's about popcorn......................GALLONS of it! Covered in Koolaid.......some saran wrap... a little Duck Tape...and a CUTE little note from our Lovely brothers in 704.

Really should've heard Dawn scream when she opened the was TOO FUNNY! : )
Thanks boys! Now we'll have plenty for you to eat when you come over! : ) Just take a look for yourself.....I mean we totally deserved it but still...

Yes...they did...

It was a mess!

The note Hans sent us..Oh excuse me..The Ambassador.

Hungry much?...

From the outside...

The clean up. : )
Over all..It turned out to be pretty good because....We made a decoration for Halloween out of it! : )

The soccer game was INTENSE!!! But once again .....after getting a little swagger spray during half time..we won. : ) Undefeated!! : )
The day has been pretty good and I'm excited to see what tomorrow brings! : ) I will probably be blogging on Saturday because I am Birthday Partying tomorrow due to General Conference. : ) YAY! : ) I'll be 20!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It was a Ponies and Vistaprint kind of Day...

Okay so after Hans Declared war.....We brought it!!! Me and Kim stayed up late last night printing off My little Pony coloring sheets and cropping their heads out of pictures. : ) Today included coloring and the attack! : ) I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves... : )
The Preparation!

Pony Justin : )

Pony David : )
Ponies Jeremy and Rick : ) 
Oh yeah! ...we went there ; )

Finished Product complete with Ribbon! : )
Pony Hans : )
Pony Dallin : )

Attack #1= Successful : ) That went over SO wonderfully! lol : ) The boys got a great laugh 
so did we. : )

Fun classes and I-COMM picture taking were just a few more things I did before Speed Dating with our ward and an AWESOME Run with some (fun...cough) lol FHE brothers : )

So Get this...I was sitting here after speed dating just checking my facebook and I get a text from "" ...I was like what?...It said Congratulations! You have won 250 Free business cards from! (1 of 14 msgs)..................Really? 1 of 14?...Oh..No...I am not doing this...
* Txt STOP to end msgs. Simply log onto vistaprint to redeem your reward. Enter code 76380eb to redeem.
* could you do with free business cards? Log on and tell us! We welcome your stories.
*But that is just the beginning! Log on now to see other exclusive offers just for YOU!
*Business cards not for you? We also offer an array of specially printed flyers and funeral cards!
ME: STOP!!!!!!
*With prices as low as $149.97 There is certainly something to suit your needs.
ME:I'm deleting my account right now if these don't stop
*Stop message received. Do you want to stop receiving these messages? 1 for yes 2 for no
ME: 1
*Press 1 for yes and 2 for no
*Sorry. We did not recognize your request.
ME: 1 for yes. Consider my account with you deleted
*Would you like to take a survey to win $1000?
*Log onto to take our online survey.
*Congratulations! You have won 250 free business cards from! (1 of 14 msgs)
*Txt STOP to end msgs. Simply log onto vistaprint to redeem your reward. Enter code 76380eb to redeem.
*What could you do with free business cards? Log on and tell us! We welcome your stories.
*This offer is only valid for 24 hours. Take advantage of this offer quick! Offers like this don't come too often!
ME: Seriously?........I'm so done with Vistaprint if I get more of these.
*Would you like to hear more messages about
*Press 1 for yes
*Have you been satisfied with your vistaprint experience?
*Inactivity detected. Messages will repeat if no selection is made. Txt STOP to end.

(At this point I was online on the vistaprint website getting the number to call customer service...I get the number and call and It goes to an automated voice system that says, "We're sorry..we're experiencing severe storms and are unable to take your call. So I hang up like " Oh No!!  They better answer my call! lol  I call back and it does the same thing! I was so mad I was screaming at my phone!)

Two of our FHE Brothers Rick and Jeremy came over to go running with us and I told the ALL about it! I was so irritated! They were laughing hysterically because I was pretty animated with the story and then the whole calling customer service sent them over the

On our lovely walk to the field where we run the truth comes out!!! Rick had been prank texting me because He figured it was my idea to put him on a pony (a pink pony) it totally was but still!!!! I mean really?!?! lol That was a good one and he said the last text that I didn't get until I got home should've given it reads..

*Make flyers for church functions, speed dates, my little ponies. All at your fingers at
............he's right..that would've given it I have to admit that was a good one Rick but Really?.....Just wait... : )

Even after all of the wonderful fun I had today I still managed to run 4 miles and that made a great end to this wonderful day! : ) clothes seriously just finished air drying today and I washed them early on monday.... what the crap!? lol Thanks Aspen! : )

Sleep tight! Don't let the bed buggies bite! 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

College has it's rewards but it's EXHAUSTING! : )

Yesterday was fun! FHE was so good! Our FHE Brothers gave an awesome lesson with a powerful video and the sisters made us some awesome Pies! : ) Volleyball in the dark is harder than you would think with a white ball coming at you but couldn't see it!! At all!
Hans Declared war on Me and this is my Public announcement... "IT IS ON!" I already told him not to mess with me and the rest of 615 because we have paper and markers and we aren't afraid to find some barbie dolls! : ) (pictures will follow after our attack... ; )   )

Here is the link to the video. It is really heart touching....

Today has been so ridiculously full......I am feeling a bit overwhelmed but I know I can do it...
I did my laundry and our dryers are the worst so I hung EVERYTHING!! when I say I hung everything I mean it....I've been having to do my laundry in the tub for the last 3 weeks but mom sent me some money so I could get quarters!! : ) yay!!! No more tub clothes! lol 
Tub Spin Cycle! : )

I went to devotional at 2 and it was amazing! So many wonderful things about family and My roommate Kim and I were so moved by Sister Klein's devotional that we decided we should use the Family Proclamation to the World in our apartment to enhance the love we all have for one another. I am so blessed to have such wonderful roommates and to be in such an amazing environment. 

I-COMM was AMAZING today! I usually dread that class because I feel like i'm so out of place but today for the first time I actually felt like a Photo Journalist. : ) My first photo shoot for the paper was last week and I was so confused but they liked my pictures so much that I got an award for the best photo for their article! I covered the 50 Lap relay and I got some really awesome shots! The one that won the shoot was this one though. : )
It's pretty cool to look in the paper and see your name under a picture as the photographer.. : ) That was the icing on the cake for me today!

Right after class I ran over to the Hart (calling mom along the way to tell her about my amazing news with I-Comm!) to workout with Dawn. It was intense!! But I got signed up with a personal trainer for next saturday which is FREE!! I love it! : ) 
In all of my spare time (cough) I fixed homeade Chicken and Dumplings! : ) Something none of my roommates had ever tried (Which told me I was definitely from KY) and they LOVED THEM! : ) I was so happy! : )
Oh YEAH! : )

Soccer Practice came WAY too soon and I am now beyond EXHAUSTED and still have a lot of homework to do but somehow had time to make this massive blog! : ) Gotta love College! 

p.s....these ponies are looking WAY good! lol ; )

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Christ, Snickerdoodles and the love of Friends : )

Some things I learned today are...
*The Savior is our: Refuge, Strength, Shadow, Water, Shelter, Hiding place, and safety..
*A foundation requires a Cornerstone, Stones, a sure Foundation, and stands Steady and true...
Heavenly Father is our Foundation.. "He loves each of us as if there were only one of us."-Dawn's Mom
Every person we meet is a VIP to Heavenly Father....therefore they should be to us. He has made the way for us so easy by bearing all of our sins. Just like the hands of a Grandmother his have seen many trials, boo boos, and tears.
A Story is told that during the bombing of a city in WWII, a large statue of Jesus Christ was severely damaged. When the townspeople found the statue among the Rubble, they mourned because it had been a beloved symbol of their faith and of God's presence in their lives.
Experts were able to repair most of the statue, but it's hands had been damaged so severely that they could not be restored. Some suggested that they hire a sculptor to make new hands, but others wanted to leave it as it was-a permanent reminder of the tragedy of war. Ultimately, the statue remained without hands. However, The people of the city added on the base of the statue of Jesus Christ a sign with these words: "You are my hands."
*Seek the happiness of never know when you might need to be their hands.

This is a video of one of the sweetest songs i've ever heard..."His Hands" Watch in remembrance of the Savior.

Other things I learned today were:
*Our FHE Brothers are amazing therefore they deserved the Home cooked meal me and My roommates prepared for them.
*I love getting to know the personal stories in people lives they don't share with others.
*Testimonies are warming to a thriving heart
*There is so much potential in the people that i'm around everyday and I am blessed
*Snickerdoodles are way more fun to make in the love of Company
*Hanz likes to talk smack in the middle of the night because he can't bring it during the day.. lol : ) (Love you Hanz!)
*The rest of his roommates are going to pay with him if they don't get the situation under control... ; )
*I absolutely love my family here
*I miss home......

Overall to day has been a wonderful day and we ended it once again with our wonderful FHE Brothers and Snickerdoodles.. : )

 Dawn and Hanz

                                     Dawn and Kim

                         David                                        Me                                           Jeremy

Dallin LOVED the Homeade Biscuits! (compliments of Kim)
Snickerdoodle FUN : ) Are they done yet?

{Pictured were: Jeremy, Dallin, Rick, Hanz, David, Kim, Cassie, and Dawn} 
: )

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Best Roommates a girl could ask for! : )

                                                                  Kim, Dawn and Me! : )

A wonderful Saturday : )

I feel like this has been the most productive Saturday i've had in awhile. It was busy but Wonderful! I still had a few pictures I needed to take for I-Comm so I went to The Nature park here in Rexburg with my roommate Dawn. There was a skate park that I got some awesome shots of people on and then there's dawn....Feeding the ducks. : ) It was so cute and such a peaceful little photo shoot. I love being in nature especially when my mind is wandering in so many other things it just helps to get away and even though I was taking pictures for the paper it didn't feel like work because I love the camera. I successfully did a lot of my homework before we went to the General Relief Society Broadcast. It was amazing! One thing I really love about going to big group events like that is the spirit that is present the entire time. You can just feel it when your voices are singing the praises.
I took with me some notes that I will cherish from now til forever.

*As women we have an essential part in the plan of happiness. -Silvia H. Alred
*Feed the Hungry, Visit the sick, and teach one another the doctorine
*Long walks mean nothing in the eyes of the blessings you will receive from doing it.
*The most important thing you can do on your visiting teaching is Listen
*Follow the promptings of the spirit when it tells you to go and visit someone with or without your partner..the  spirit knows when they need something.

President Monson Spoke of so many wonderful stories I would love to share with you but i'll leave you with just one of the thoughts he give.....if you would like to see the stories he shares go to the link I've posted at the bottom and it takes you to the broadcast. It was amazing and I recommend everyone watch it.

Charity Needed Everywhere

There is a serious need for the charity that gives attention to those who are unnoticed, hope to those who are discouraged, aid to those who are afflicted. True charity is love in action. The need for charity is everywhere.
Needed is the charity which refuses to find satisfaction in hearing or in repeating the reports of misfortunes that come to others, unless by so doing the unfortunate one may be benefitted. The American educator and politician Horace Mann once said, “To pity distress is but human; to relieve it is Godlike.”
Charity is having patience with someone who has let us down; it is resisting the impulse to become offended easily. It is accepting weaknesses and shortcomings. It is accepting people as they truly are. It is looking beyond physical appearances to attributes that will not dim through time. It is resisting the impulse to categorize others.
—President Thomas S. Monson

Movie on the lawn

Yesterday(Friday) was so much fun! We invited our FHE brothers (The Best FHE Brothers any girl could ask for) over to have pizza and join us for a Movie on the lawn. (Prince of Persia-Provided by Aspen Village Apartments) : )

                                              Jeremy                                                   Justin

(Not Pictured: Dallin & Hanz)
I had these glow bracelets from Christmas that I brought up here with me and we all wore them to the Movie. : ) It was fun just being able to fellowship with wonderful people and have a relaxing night! It was quite chilly's a good thing we've all grown pretty close in the last 2 weeks!!! I am beyond blessed to be here with these wonderful people and I'm so thankful for the love they show to me. It's hard to think that I won't even see some of their sweet faces after this semester but I know heavenly father has a plan for them. : )