Saturday, November 13, 2010

Photo Shoot with my Sweet Roommate Dawn Today : )

I was really excited to learn how to do "Depth of field" shots today so I asked Dawn if I we could do a photo shoot! She was eager to go so we went to the gardens! They were so pretty today with the snow all was kind of melting but The weather was nice to shoot in! Thanks Dawn, you were so much fun to work with! You are so BEAUTIFUL! xoxo

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Winter Has officially hit Rexburg Idaho and I AM IN LOVE!!! : )

The Snow is so pretty and PERFECT for making snowmen or throwing a snowball! We had a snowball fight on Monday after it hit with some of our FHE family and Dallin and Kim both managed to Hit me right Square in the Left eye!! That was magnificent! : ) (I'm sure that's what Dallin would say anyways! He's got to be one of the happiest most cheerful people on the PLANET! lol He gets done with Accounting when he's been in class for the last 5 hours and he's like I am so stressed but I love it! I'ts wonderful! )
Overall...The snow has been FUN and I can't wait to do a Snow Photo Shoot with my sweet little apartment and maybe our FHE family! : )

Welcome to my Winter Wonderland!

From the 2nd Floor of the Spori Looking towards the Kirkham on Monday.

Poor Car....
On our Balcony in Wonderland! : )

: ) Outside of the Taylor looking towards the MC

Too much fun for one girl! : )

October was such a wonderful month!!! I Absolutely love my life here in Rexburg! I have awesome friends and my teachers are AMAZING!

Some things to share from my crazy life!

*Soccer started and It was soooo much fun! GO SWAGS! Our season consisted of 7 games and we made it to semi-finals as number 2 against "Liquid Friction". They were a really good team! Intramural Sports here at BYU-Idaho are unlike any other schools'. We have prayer before the game and after. I love that! It invites the spirit and there is good sportsmanship. I created an Ad for Our soccer team for one of my Communication classes. It was my first one EVER but I think it was a success! : )
Kim, Deeana, & Me
Tristan, Chip, & Brayden
Roommate love! 
Our Awesome Team

*Dawn's Birthday was the 9th of October and we threw her a Halloween costume party. It was fun making ransom notes but me and Kim decided that people who actually make them are STUPID because it takes 10 billion years! They could get a legitimate job and make the money they are trying to get by the time they get done with those things! When her party was over we went to the Haunted Straw Maze and I almost peed my pants! Those psycho people that work there were CREEPING me out! They were haunting us in the line! I screamed and one of them followed me around in my running panic to get away whispering in my ear for like 5 minutes!!! Rick got hay fever so we tried to find the exit pretty quickly! I decided since there was a health issue I could be bold and stand up to the creepers......I found one and yelled at him to tell me where the exit was because rick was having an allergic reaction.....with the point of his finger I instantly found out he was THE CHAINSAW MAN!!!! I've never found an exit so fast in my life! 
One really awesome thing happened that night though. There was a girl no older than 18 or 19 with her horse. She had been working there all day as the haunted horseman and was tired. Her horse Nike didn't want to get in her trailer and she had been there for over an hour trying to get her in. She was frustrated and crying when she saw our FHE brother Justin decked out in his Cowboy gear from the party and asked him if he was a real cowboy. He said yes and she gave the biggest sigh beginning to tell him about Nike. Justin was able to take Sweet Nike and coax her into her trailer no problem. That was such a wonderful act of service and kindness. I'm so glad I was able to be there to witness it.

We were the Queens of the Bails! : )
On our way to the Straw Maze for Dawn's Birthday

*Murder Mystery Dinner was so much fun! I was Melanie Cutter, a Writer for a local Newspaper and I was trying to figure out who the murderer was before Sandra (Dawn) she was the detective. It was a night of fun to just go and dress up and be somebody else for awhile! It was pretty funny because I had a British Accent the whole time and sometimes I'd try to say something and it came out country At the end we acted out skits that Katie our MC had written and my group won! It was so funny! We got little red army men as an Oscar for our performance! lol

Good Times!

*Dawn, Xao, and I were able to attend the cannery in Idaho Falls as a service project for our Stake. It was such a wonderful experience! I was quite surprised when I got there and found out it was a LEGIT cannery with factory like equipment! I was expecting a cute little stake center with little old ladies breaking beans! lol We were quite fashionable!

Those boots were HUGE!
We were pretty slammin' in our outfits! lol : ) Love the Cannery

*My friend from Comm 111 Rusty and I went to Shelley Idaho where Rusty is from to attend the local City Council meeting for class. It was quite the entertainment and the most important issue at hand was Uniform Street lights....Do we keep the Aluminum or let the contractor building the subdivisions make them wood?....
Either way it was a fun experience and It was awesome getting to know Him better. : )
Me and Rusty With the Sheriff of Shelley! COUNCIL MTG!
* Nacho Libre NIGHT! : ) It was a ridiculously fun night of "Did you not tell zem dey were zee lord's cheeps?" lol and XooxO (Big hug...little kiss..little kiss..little hug..Big kiss...) lol I love my crazy Family here! : )

* My Wonderful FHE Brother Rick has been in Flight School aside from his classes here at the University. We had a study session one night and I helped him get ready for his test. I can STILL remember some of the things we talked about. You should NEVER exceed 138 knots. lol Anyways. October 19 was an exciting day as Rick did his 1st SOLO FLIGHT! : ) Congratulations Rick! We are so Proud of you! Celebrations commenced after a nice run with some Sparkling Welch's! : )

Their instructor always gives them a 2 dollar bill after a solo flight!
* Kim, Deeana, Rick and I went to Pocatello and Logan On the 23rd to do some promotional videos for The Ridge. (Student Housing where Rick works) We had a lot of fun and I found my new favorite song that day! INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER!'s pretty amazing and it makes me smile. We pulled up next to a tractor and Deeana said something about it being an International Harvester. Me and Kim looked totally clueless and Deeana said it was probably too country for us....Rick turned on his CD player and said "This might be my favorite song....and I might sing it kinda loud..." As soon as it came on I started laughing but it makes my life here in Rexburg come to life! lol As the Day went on I took pictures and Rick videoed. The car ride was long so Rick suggested we play a road trip game....This was QUITE entertaining! You have to use every letter of the alphabet in order while telling a story and this is what one of our stories was....
I'm going to Logan Utah and I'm Alligator in a Bathtub eating Cookies Dancing Eloping with Frogs and making Grandbabies while having Hotflashes in an Igloo making Jumping beans that do Karate fallin' in Love and doin' the Macarena in your New shoes sayin' Opa while playin' Parcheeze and takin' a Quiz Ropin' lamas and Singin' to ricky martin Testin' your blood in your Underwear then you go Visiting teaching and eat some Watermellon and get out your Xylophone so you can play Yankee doodle on a Zip line! That was too much fun! It goes through Every person and you have to keep repeating everything that's already been said then add to it. On the way home we were caught in a storm. Even though the weather was nasty the view was breathtaking. The mountains were unbelievably beautiful and in the break of it a Rainbow and Sunshine fell through the clouds....Rick pulled over and we got some gorgeous shots that my camera on my phone can't do justice. Overall it was a wonderful day!

*Operation get Hans back was completed as well... : ) 2 Phone books, 50 Wall Street Journals, A roll of streamers, 100 plastic grocery bags, a broken in half newspaper cardinal (Kim made) and a bowl of rock hard candy later..............this is what you get! : ) SURPRISE!

That's right! Gettin' him back!
Take that Hans!
No more Cardinal! lol
What a Mess! Who did that? ; )
We got home and Hans calls...
Hans: 2 words...WELL DONE!
Dawn: 2 Words ...THANK YOU! : )
Rick: 2 word..BEWARE! 

*We had a Bonfire in Moody on Friday night with our FHE Brothers Rick and Jeremy. It was so much fun! I took Reeses because they are bomb for making smores! Everyone loved them! It was such a clear night too! You could see soooo many stars! Aside from stepping in REALLY dry cow pies it was amazing!
I love my roomies!
: ) Kim's "Got the Magic" in her!
Let's get it started! : )

Deeana and her obsession with fire!
It was COLD and I'm pretty sure I'm sitting in a COW PIE! SICK!

*So...our Next door neighbor comes over the other night and tells us not to freak out but there is going to be a Porcelain doll chillin on the stairs waiting for one of their's an ongoing joke in their apartment to hide it places and scare people. ......I basically threaten her with her life that it "Better not end up in this apartment" and the next day we find Wedding barbie chillin in front of our door....So I hang barbie by her legs, knock and run! It was sooo funny! ...........................I leave and come back............... We were going to go to Battle of the Dance as an apartment and I thought I'd go invite the neighbors to come with us but I needed to get dressed first so I open my closet and............SCREAM BLOODY MURDER because Sally is quite the Creeper!!!! Needless to say.....I instantly uninvited them for a whole 2 minutes while I decided what the retaliations were going to be....

Looks like Barbie missed the Wedding! lol
Meet Sally...The creepy porcelain doll...

*In other random order...Me and Kim had some INTENSE boxing matches the past month....I'm pretty sure Nacho Libre night was the most intense of them all though.... blood and contacts...good times! lol 
We also played this really "Awesome" Game called Divorce Court. Apparently Rick and his family play this game for It was pretty funny but that's all I'm sharing because I want to share it with other people later : )
We Box....and it's always INTENSE!
Divorce Court Group!

*Kim makes us these really AWESOME Biscuits! They are perfect for pulling apart and putting jelly on! : ) I found out that since we are in a higher altitude we have to add extra flour so our baking doesn't turn out flat. It was quite interesting when I made cookies and they were flatter than pancakes....they might have passed as flat stanley's cookies! lol
Kims AWESOME Biscuits